Download Inkscape slice effect a.k.a. 'slicer' 0.1.1 (bugfix)Usage:
1.) Create layer e.g. named 'slices'.
2.) Create rectangles as your slices,
set their Label* (select rect and Object -> Object properties) as the output filename (without extension).
3.) Run Effects -> Export -> Slicer, specify directory where you want your slices to be saved and Apply.
What program does:
1.) It takes all rectangles you give, puts opacity 0, stroke to none.
2.) And tries to save contents inside rectangles to new files.
3.) Returns the style to original value.
Copy these two files (, slicer.inx) to share/extensions directory inside inkscape, do not create directory for these files.
Extensions dir in common platforms:
Ubuntu 8.10 user scope: ~/.inkscape/extensions/
Ubuntu 8.10 global scope: /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/
Windows: c:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\
Original idea from
Matt Harrison:
WARNING, Matt's version didn't work with latest Ubuntu (8.10) and Inkscape 0.46, major API differences, that was the reason I rewrote whole script with features I needed. I have no intention to ripoff Matt's effort, so I fully thank Matt for his work, and if you somehow feel that I have broken the license in Matt's file you can contact me through comments in this blog.
* Label allows all characters, where as ID allows only few. I need ability to use spaces in filenames so ID is no go. One can switch it to back to ID by changing line in
basename = rect_label.lstrip("#")
basename = rect_id